Based in Iloilo City this project used recycled funds from the previous project, RVHOA, to construct eight core housing units, which were fully serviced with household water, sanitation and electricity. Learnings gained from the demonstration projects of KABALAKA and RVHOA were utilised, ensuring the continued low cost delivery of affordable housing within the region.
The households who benefitted from the project actively participated in all steps of the housing development process, including design and planning, cost estimates, construction, and overall management of the project. Loan funds were made available to them through the local Home Owners Association (HOA), in partnership with PACSII and Reall.
Description | Type | Number Expected | Number Completed | Monthly Cost (Local Currency) | Loan Length (months) |
Basic | Basic | 8 | 8 | 3000 | 60 |
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Data last updated on 30/06/2022