Our Impact

Our Impact

Climate smart affordable homes have some of the widest ranging social and economic impacts of any investment and development initiatives.

The impact of building climate smart affordable homes reaches far beyond the construction of four walls. That’s because it’s not just a house – it’s 16 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] under one roof.

We know that when we create vibrant communities people want to live in, growing markets that businesses want to operate in, and profitable platforms investors want to invest in, we also help create a more secure and equitable world for us all.

Explore these pages to find out about our catalytic impacts:

  • Discover our Data Dashboard – delve into our impact at the individual project level
  • Find out about the benefits of climate smart affordable homes on our specific impact areas
  • Read about Reall’s work in action in our blogs, case studies, reports and papers
  • See our impact in numbers in our Invest pages
People with improved water
People with improved sanitation
total people housed

Explore the Data Dashboard


Ian Shapiro
Chief Executive

Ian Shapiro