Shaping the market

Shaping the market

The scale of the opportunity to catalyse growth and embed future sustainable cities through the lens of green affordable housing is huge and the time to act is now. The ecosystem is large and complex and no single entity has all the answers.

Scalable solutions and systemic change depend on embracing the value add of players across the housing spectrum from housing developers, materials innovators, tech companies and finance providers to civil society and community groups, government, multilaterals, think tanks and networks. 

How does Reall engage with the market?

  • Reall engages widely across these players at city, regional and global levels, embracing collaboration on build projects, climate and tech innovations, policy engagement, data and research as well as strategic interventions that directly address market blockages
  • We share data and evidence around housing delivery models and financing mechanisms as well as wider market intelligence to drive dialogue on climate-smart affordable housing
  • We operate a fully open source and learning attitude to crowd others in and inform decision-making and resource deployment around green affordable housing that delivers for people, profit and the planet.
Shaping the market


Through wide collaboration we embrace the learning and expertise of others, interrogate our own evidence and co-create solutions, leveraging wider sector change and amplify impact. Such collaborations include working with:

Through collaboration, we can be greater than the sum of our parts, forging the platform and momentum needed to address the growing housing deficit and pave the way for greener, more resilient cities. Reall strives to expand our network of partnerships, both formal and informal, in pursuit of green affordable housing markets that work for people on low incomes.

Shaping the market

Collaboration and partnership are fundamental to Reall’s approach.

People with improved water
People with improved sanitation
total people housed

Explore the Data Dashboard


Ben Atkinson
Research, Evidence & Learning Manager

Ben Atkinson