Capital and finance

Capital and finance

Reall is an innovator and investor with unparalleled experience in delivering climate-smart affordable homes for the bottom 40% of the income pyramid across Africa & Asia.

We have a 30-year track record and unmatched sector expertise in delivering robust investments into affordable housing through finessed project management processes.

We kick-start functioning housing markets and accelerate their trajectory to scale by deploying innovative financial solutions which provide start-up capital, de-risk third-party investment and fund the affordability gap. We invest in affordable homes because they are a doorway to addressing 16 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] while providing a return on investment. 

Acting as incubator, investor or guarantor, we mitigate risk by investing across our project portfolio which spans emerging markets in Africa and Asia.

Capital and finance

Start-up capital

We invest in and partner with pioneering start-ups with innovative approaches to climate-smart affordable housing delivery. Our tiered approach to investment ensures that levels of risk and debt are appropriate for organisational maturity.

Investing to scale

We partner with experienced housing delivery partners with proven track records of scaling up their output, and we invest to increase this impact. We place enormous value on in-country expertise, and bolster this with our own cross-contextual knowledge and sharing of sector-wide best practice.

Mitigating risk

Our investment portfolio is spread across multiple partners and geographies to significantly mitigate risk. We shoulder the Forex losses of our investments to reduce the financial pressure on our burgeoning in-country partners.


Patrick Domingos-Tembwa
Commercial Build and Transitions Director

Patrick Domingos-Tembwa