Navigation: Global | Nepal Kohalpur and Rajhena Housing 1

Kohalpur and Rajhena Housing 1

  • Status: Complete
  • People Housed: 645
  • Country: Nepal
  • City: Kohalpur
  • Partner: Lumanti
  • Year Approved: 2012
Total Invested
NPR 18,943,083
Total Invested
Delivery of Homes
Total Financed
Self Build
Project Overview

Lumanti’s first Reall-funded project, this scheme was designed to upgrade five squatter settlements located in Kohalpur and Rajhena. These residents previously lived in housing which caused multiple threats to their health and security, as well as a lack of access to basic services such as water. They are now able to access water, sanitation and energy, services which are often restricted within squatter communities because they are deemed illegal settlements.

Funds were provided to Basobas Mahila Savings and Credit Cooperative, who then on-lent funds to clients for the construction of their new homes. The Cooperative is managed by the women of the community and is responsible for collecting client repayments and making scheduled repayments back to Lumanti. Currently 100% of the loans have been repaid by the clients. Lumanti was responsible for supervising the overall construction work. All repayments are revolved into new projects by Lumanti.

This project was intended to set a precedent, encouraging large scale and long-term entry of formal finance institutions into informal settlement upgradation.

Homes Completed
Homes Occupied
Connected to Electricity
Connected to Water and Sanitation

Client Data

Displayed In
Client Monthly Household Incomes

Clients estimated to sit between 41st and 50th percentiles of incomes in Kohalpur

17,500 NPR
148 USD
40th percentile at year of occupancy
40th percentile at year of occupancy
Household Demographic Data
Household Size
Proportion Female
Proportion Children
Proportion Elderly
Proportion Disabled
Housing Information
Description Type Number Completed Unit Size (m2) Monthly Cost
(Local Currency)
Loan Length (months)
Cooperative loans for self-build housing Self Build 150 34 1785 84
Finance Description Finance Source Interest Rate (%)
Cooperative loans for self-build housing Basobas Cooperative 4.0

Project Finances

Displayed In

Investments — Reall to Affordable Housing Partners

Total Project Investments
NPR 18,943,083
$ 160,061
NPR 18,943,083
$ 160,061

Based on exchange rate on 31/10/2021

Funds Lent by Partners to Households
Funds Lent by Partners to Households
NPR 22,450,000
$ 189,693
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
NPR 22,450,000
$ 189,693

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Data last updated on 30/06/2022